Caramelized Pork Belly and Kimchi Turnip

800g cooked pork bely, 50g onion, finely chopped, 50ml olive oil 4 tomatoes, peeled,
seeded and chopped, Salt, freshly ground pepper, 1 bunch flat leafed parsley,
chopped 300g potatoes, sliced 2-3 mm thick, 300g kimchi turnip, sliced lengthwise,
50g honey, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon seame seeds, Parsley (optional), Oil for the mould
Preheat the oven to 140℃.
Ask the butcher to slice the cooked pork bely approximately 2-3mm thick.
1 Sweat the onion in olive oil without coloring;add the tomatoes and season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Cook slowly until the cooking liquid has evaporated.
2,3,4,5,6,7 Line the bottom of the charlotte mould with parchment paper and brsh with oil. Line the mould with the slices of pork bley. Layer with the cooked tomato mixture, chopped parsley, sliced potatoes and sliced kimchi turnip. Fold the slices of pork belly inwards over the various layers and press down lightly to compact.
8,9 Transfer the mould to a bain-marie. Cover with foil. Cook in the preheated oven for 90 minutes. Remove from the oven and weight it down. Cool completely. Lower the oven temperature to 120℃. Transfer to the oven and cook at 120℃ for at least 1 hour, basting frequently with the cooking juices that form. To verify the cooking, insert the point of a knife or skewer into the center of the preparation and, when the interior is hot, it is ready to serve.
10,11,12 Heat the honey in a small saucepan. Turn off the heat, add the soy sauce, wine vinegar and sesame seeds. Unmould the cooked preparation into a heatproof dish and baste it with the honey mixture. Can be served whole in the cooking dish, or individual portions.