Cream of Cauliflower and Kimchi Soup

300g cauliflower ( 1 small), 1 tablespoon olive oil, 50g onion finely sliced, 50g kimchi(baechu), drained and wiped dry 1 liter chicken stock, 150ml whipping cream, 4 oysters freshly shucked , Salt, freshly ground pepper, 1/2 bunch chive, Olive oil for decoration
1,2 Chop the cauliflower into large pieces. Set several florets aside for decoration. Bring a saucepan of water to a boil and place the cauliflower pieces in it. Bring to a boil again and blanch for 1 minute. Refresh immediately in cold water to stop the cooking process. Drain and set aside.
3,4 Heat the oil in a saucepan over low heat, add the sliced onion and sweat until translucent then, add the kimchi baechu.
5,6,7,8 Add the blanched cauliflower and the chiken stock to the onion kimchi mixture. Cook for 15 minutes until the caulifolwer is sofr. Add the cream and bring to a boil.
9 Transfer the soup to a food processor, add the oysters and process until smooth. Strain using cap(chinois). Taste and adjust seasoning.
10 Serve hot in soup bowls or in a soup tureen. Add the reserved florets to the soup. Decorate with chives and a few drops of olive oil.