Mushrooms and Tomatoes “A La Grecque De Kimchi”

150ml olive oil, 150g finely sliced onions, 150ml dry white wine, 300ml chicken stock, Salt, 1kg cultivated mushrooms or cep (porcini) mushrooms, 1 lemon, 80g kimchi, 30 cherry tomatoes, peeled, Freshly ground pepper, Chives
1,2 Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over low heat, add the sliced onions and sweat until translucent. Add the white wine and bring to a boil. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil again. Season with salt. Set aside.
3,4,5 Peel, trim and quickly rinse the mushrooms. If the mushrooms are large, cut into quarters. Rub with lemon to prevent discoloration. Add the mushrooms to the cooked onion preparation. Cover the pan and simmer for several minutes until the mushrooms are cooked. Transfer to a bowl and cool quickly over ice.
6,7,8,9 Remove about 20% of the cooking liquid from the mushroom mixture and transfer to a fool processor. Add the kimchi and process to consistency of cold oil. Strain, using a china cap(chinois) over, the cooked mushroom mixture. Set aside to cool.
10 Add the peeled cherry tomatoes to the cooled Greek-style mushrooms. Taste and adjust seasoning, adding a little pepper, if necessary. Refigerate for several hours before serving. Serve cold in a vegetable dish with the cooking liquid. Decorate with chives.