Sesame Kimchi Flutes or Twists and Sesame Kimchi

Puff Pastry
Detrempe : 500g flour, 10g salt, 250 ml water, 75g unsalted butter, melted
Flutes or Twists : 20~30 kimchi sesame leaves, 4 tablespoons sesame seeds
Arlettes : 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, 200g sugar
1egg for egg wash
1 Puff Pastry : Sift the flour and salt onto a cold work surface. Make a well in the center and pour in the water and melted butter. Combine the ingredients using the finegertips. Using a pastry scraper, work the flour and butter mixture until loose crumbs form. If the dough is too dry, add a little more water, being careful not to use too much or it will become sticky.
2 Shape the dough into a ball. This is the detrempe. Cut an “X” on top prevent shrinkage. Wrap dough in floured parchment paper. Chill for 30 minutes.
3 Lightly flour a work surface (which should be cold). Flatten the detrempe and, leaving a mound in the center, roll it out to form a cross.
4 Place the dry butter in the center of the cross. Fold over each section of dough, pulling it lightly to completely enclose the butter. This is the paton.
5 Lightly flour the work surface and the rollling it over the top of the dough to seal the edges. Wrap in a parchment paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
6 Roll the dough into a long rectangle. Fold the bottom-third up towards the middle. Bring the top-third of the dough over the folded thirds and brush off any excess flour. The dough should be square, have three layers and the edges should align. This is the first “turn”.
7 Give the square a quarter turn so that the exposed edge is on the right (as if the dough were a book). Gently press the edges to seal. Roll it out into a long rectangle and fold in thirds as previously described. This is the second “turn”. Mark the dough with a finegertip to indicate the number of runs. Chil for 30 minutes. Repeat, making a total of six “turns”. Chill for 30 minutes. Repeat, making a total of six “turns”. Chill for 30 minutes after each second turn.
8,9,10,11 Roll the puff pastry out and cut into two equal pieces. Spread one piece with kimchi sesame leaves and top with the remaining piece of dough. chill.
12 Flutes : Cut the dough into strips 1 cm wide by 25cm long. Brush with egg wash and spinkle with sesame seeds. Chill. Transfer to a baking sheet. Cook in a preheated oven for 15~20minutes until golden.
Twist : Cut the dough into strips 1 cm wide by 20 cm and twist each strip. Chill. Transfer to a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven for 15~20 minutes until golden.
Sesame Kimchi Arlettes (Sweet)
Roll out the remaining scraps of puff pastry into a thing layer. Brush with egg wash and spinkle the surface with sesame seeds and sugar. Roll the dough into a cylinder. Chill.
Cut the cylinder of dough in thin slices and flatten in the remaining sugar. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Transfer the “Arlettes” to it and cook in a preheated oven for 10~15 minutes until golden.